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Welcome to the Letters page of The Boatworkshop Boating Video Magazine
More mails are arriving. Where we have a number that are saying pretty much the same thing and need a reply, we're only putting one up with our reply. Please, do keep more coming - the more the better, and thanks to all who have bothered to write already
From: JAMES (full name given)
I agree with everything the others have said, but I have a complaint as well! I can't see much of the home Page, the about page, or the reviews or projects when I'm using my I-Pad which is a bit if a pain. Yes I know that the 'I-Pad is a bit of a pain for many sites, but is there anything you can do to overcome this for me?
Reply from Ed.
James, Yes I know that those pages just won't work properly on the I-pad and much of the Apple range. That's because
Apple basically couldn't agree with Adobe about Flash. At the moment we have to use Flash to be able to give the "added features"
that we do. None of the background changes on the Introduction video would be possible for instance and more important
we wouldn't be able to have the extra information in the NOTES panel or the TOOLS and MATERIALS panel on the Projects page.
We use Flash to enable us to trigger these appearing on the screen at particular places in the videos.
We are looking
at other ways of doing the same thing without using flash and we may have found a way for the future. Unfortunately it will
take a lot of work to develop it to a good enough level to use consistently so for the time being I'm afraid we're stuck with Flash.
In the meantime we are going to rebuild many of the videos (reviews, boatshow stands, and projects) so that we can progressively
put them on You Tube. That will unfortunately only be the video material itself and nothing of the "extras" will appear.'
From: SID (full name given)
Hi, I've looked at the videos about choosing batteries and fitting new charger and the battery-box re-cabling. That was great stuff in particular about how to make up totally waterproof heavy-duty cabling. Are you going to do anything more on general re-cabling. I'm thinking about the really C****y stuff that was in my boat when I bought it and would love to replace everything. Any videos on that would certainly give me more confidence to try doing it.
Reply from Ed.
Sid, many thanks for your comments. We do have some video already filmed quite some time ago which
we will be introducing over the next few months. Some of it is quite specific (like fitting a 12v 'cigarette lighter'
socket and some of it is more general. Hopefully it will help you along.)
From: STEVE (full name given)
Hi Paul, I saw your "I've been filmed by The Boatworkshop" posters on some of the stands at the Southampton Boatshow, and then I think I saw you actually filming on one of the other stands. That was the first I'd heard about The Boat Workshop and as soon as I got home I went online to have a look. I have to say I think that is a really brilliant idea, and then to find out that The Boat Workshop itself is a free magazine really blows me away! I used to buy all the three main monthly magazines but eventually I've become more and more bored with the content and progressively I've cut two of them out. I think might even cut that one out now that youve got this one available with all the videos. What a refreshing change, and the idea of being able to go back and look at any article at any time without having to save the pile of old ones or buy a back-copy (if it is available!) is really great. Keep it up, youve certainly got one new viewer (or is it reader?) in me.
Reply from Ed.
Steve, many thanks for your compliments. We'll try to keep you from being bored in future.
From: JONATHON (full name given)
Well done Paul! It's about time someone started doing something REALLY practical for boat-owners and this
new magazine looks like it really fits the bill!
I've looked at the choosing-batteries video and I wish it had been around when I last had to re-battery.
I could have saved space and worry, AND had more capacity to go at without the engine noise. I'll certainly
be coming back again and again, and I'll be looking forward to seeing more stuff from boatshows.
It's mmarvellous being able to see stands without having to trek down to London or Southampton. Is there
any chance of you starting live-broadcasts from the boatshows in the future?
Reply from Ed.
Steve, many thanks for your compliments; they will always be welcome!.As far as live stuff from the Boatshows is concerned,
well we must be thinking alike here. It is an idea that I'm looking into, and I'm out looking for sponsorship for it at
the moment. I'll let you know when we make some progress both technical and financial'.