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Welcome to the About page of The Boat Workshop Boating Video Magazine.

This site is an online magazine providing :-


Product reviews in the form of videos showing the products in detail, and how they were tested and reviewed, and how they performed during the reviews, with comments on quality and suitability.


Practical articles showing how to do various building, maintenance, and modification tasks on boats in the form of demonstration videos with printable tools and materials lists and printable step by step instructions taken directly from the steps in the videos.


Videos showing actual projects being carried out on our own boat, showing:-

  • Detailed step by step work
  • Printable lists of the steps with key points to remember and allow for
  • Lists of tools and materials used in the project
  • Printable shopping lists
  • Links to enable you to purchase tools and materials directly.


A 'Letters' page for viewer letters on any subject - letters are published at the discretion of the editor and will be removed a month after insertion. This is intended for 'opinion' & news rather than 'technical'.'


A free unmoderated forum for boating problems and answers, and 'bright ideas'. The forum has been 'seeded' with a number of headings but the content is up to the contributors. Unfortunately experience proves that a 'decency check' is needed!


  • Free advertising on the Boat Jumble page for for Crew and berths, personal ads & items up to £200.00 in value.
  • Paying classified ads for items of higher value, boats, and trade adverts.
  • Spot advertising, linkable to the subject of the page, throughout the site, mainly in the sidebars but with some in the main body.
  • Sponsorship or placement advertising throughout and associated with the 'how to' videos.